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This experiment will demonstrate that plants give off water.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you want ...

This science fair project will compare the allelopathic affects of juglone, a chemical agent produced by the Black Walnut tree, on two plants.It is an educational content by clicking ...

This project determines whether music affects the growth and health of plants.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the con ...

This science project examines how carnivorous plants digest insects, and whether the plant can use nitrogen in the soil to compensate for lack of insects.It is an educational content by ...

The goal of this project is to reveal the vein structure or venation of leaves.The process of dissolving the soft plant tissue from leaves is a means of removing flesh, cleanly exposing vein patterns. ...

This project children discover firsthand how animals can help distribute seeds in order to spread them across the land.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this re ...

Moss is an intriguing plant. Like ferns, it reproduces through spores. These spores float through the air or the water to land and create new moss plants. Determine whether spreading a moss soup over ...

This science project will help students learn about non-vascular plants, such as mosses.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected ...

In this project children make leaf rubbings, recording and observing shapes, structures, and patterns in leaves from different plants, then sort the rubbings accordingly.It is an educational content b ...

This project determines the ages of trees without cutting the trees down to count the rings in their bases.What is the best method for distinguishing the age of a tree?It is an educational content by ...