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You'll learn the basic definitions of set theory to work after the Algebra of sets.

At the end of the theorical explanation, you can practice or create 5 exercises to master this subject.

Definition ...

You'll learn to calculate determinants of any order, some of its most important propierties and how to calculate a adjoint matrix.

General method for the calculation of determinants is a didactic c ...

You'll learn what is a matrix , its elements and the way to add up and to multiply matrices.

Matrix concept and types of matrices is a didactic content from Sangakoo. In this space you will find te ...

You'll learn the concept of fractions and understand it as a quotient of integer numbers and as division of the unit.

At the end of the theoretical explanation you can practice or create 5 exercis ...

You'll learn the algorithms needed to solve a quadratic equations in the most general case, as well as the formula that allow to construct a quadratic equation while knowing the value of the solut ...

You'll learn how to apply the Rouché-Capelli theorem.

Rouché–Capelli theorem is a didactic content from Sangakoo. In this space you will find teaching materials for Mathematics ...

You'll learn to write restrictions as inequations of two variables and how these inequalitions delimit an area of possible solutions. You will also learn to identify the coordinates of the apexes ...

You'll learn some propierties of the algebraic fractions and how to operate with them.

Operations with algebraic fractions is a didactic content from Sangakoo. In this space you will find teaching ...

You'll learn to analyze a function in order to be able to sketch its graph from a few calculations.

Functions defined by parts is a didactic content from Sangakoo. In this space you will find teach ...

You'll learn to solve systems of equations using the Gauss method.

At the end of the theorical explanation, you can practice or create 5 exercises to master this subject.

Gaussian elimination method ...