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There are lots of great reasons to learn how to make a solar oven! Maybe you’re going camping. Maybe you’re interested in learning about different ways to concentrate the sun’s energy. Maybe you’re in ...

Your body relies on enzymes. You might be familiar with the enzymes that digest your food, like the salivary amylase in your saliva, but enzymes do all kinds of jobs everywhere in your body. Enzymes a ...

A bullet is fired from a gun held parallel to the ground. At the exact same moment, a second bullet is dropped from the same height as the gun. Which bullet hits the ground first?The answer to this cl ...

This experiment will investigate whether the primacy effect is observed more frequently in specific populations of people. Is the primacy effect more prevalent in older or younger adults? Is the prima ...

Determine which stage of the strawberries would be the most easy to extract DNA from, under-ripe, ripe, or over-ripe.Introduction:It is an educational content by clicking on the title ...

Glaciers are massive bodies of ice that move across the surface of the Earth like rivers. As glaciers move they change the surface of the Earth by wearing away loose rocks and soil and depositing them ...

You may not think you're very big or tall, but to a bird, you're a giant! What would you do if a huge, mysterious creature towered over you? Well, birds usually fly away. Their wings allow them to get ...

We will discover whether a religious sleeping schedule relates to a higher IQ.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the con ...

In this project we will investigate the effect of using saltwater to water wheat grass plantsIt is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redire ...

There are many old wives' tales. One of them is that “cold water boils faster than hot water.” However, a lot of people think it is the other way around, which should be common sense. In this experime ...