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Does the "short circuit" mean the electricity takes a shorter course?It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If ...

Batteries make our lives portable. In other words, we can take things such as mp3 players, cell phones, digital cameras, and game consoles around to anywhere in the world. There are many kinds of batt ...

The optical mouse replaced the old-school mechanical rollerball style mice that we can't seem to find anymore these days outside of antique stores and attics. Dust clogged up those rollerball-type mic ...

Construye estructuras y resistencias con unas simples cartulinas y tuercas. Un sencillo experimento de Física adecuado para Tecnología de Secundaria (Estructuras: elementos de una estr ...

¿Qué peso crees que puede soportar un huevo sin romperse? Puedes comprobarlo visualizando este sencillo experimento que trata de estructuras y resistencia.

Una sugerencia, lee la explicac ...