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What critters live in the messy, muddy layers just above the soil? Make some mulch and go on a critter-catching expedition in your own garden.What creatures take up residence in a layer of sheet mulch ...

Did you know you can make a game out of a science experiment? Play with balance and simple engineering as you hurry to create a sturdy rock tower. It's you versus gravity (and a small fake earthquake ...

What’s inside the earth? Create a craft or bake a cake that will help you dig deep into the mysteries of the earth’s interior.First, it’s time for a short geology lesson. The earth has four layers. Th ...

Have you heard the buzz? Friendly mason bees are on the hunt for a happy host to take them in during the warm spring months. Can you help out these wandering insects? Don't worry -- they're nothing li ...

Do you think you could walk around upside down -- with your feet in the air and your head on the ground? It'd be kind of silly, and you'd probably get a few weird looks. Well, what do you think woul ...

Whether they’re oil or biofuels, our sources of power often come from the ground. In this experiment, you’ll test out more goodies from the ground. Is horse manure a good energy source? If so, how doe ...

In video games, you’re in a virtual world where enemies lurk around every corner. But how do these games impact your body in real life? The excitement of a computer or video game can be intense. Does ...

Have you ever watched a fish breathe? When a fish breathes, the bony flaps, called the operculum,on the sides of its body move in and out as it moves oxygen from the water into its body. A fish also b ...

Learn about memory straight from the horse’s mouth. In this experiment, you’ll tempt a horse with a delicious carrot and see if he can remember where that carrot may behidden.Can you traina horseto re ...

That big, glowing ball of light in the sky is pretty amazing. The sun powers life on earth, and it helps us see and helps plants make their food. Sometimes, the paths of the moon and the sun cross and ...