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Moisture is tricky. It likes to escape out of tiny holes in a process called evaporation. Plastic wrap is supposed to keep food fresh in the fridge. If you have fruit you would like to save, you proba ...

Have you ever noticed the way a dropped stone makes a fun pattern in a pond or lake? What's the science behind these splashy occurrences? Find out with this watery project!Does water ripple in differe ...

Can you grow some corn in your house? While you may not grow a field of corn stalks, you can certainly grow a field of tiny corn plants in a container!How does a corn seed grow, and how does its growt ...

In this activity, you’ll create a food pyramid that shows whateats what in the forest. First, you’ll do some research on the plants and animals that live in your area to discover what food pyramids ar ...

What will happen when you place a mirror in the garden? In this experiment, you’ll use a light meter to measureif adding a mirror to the garden increases the amount of light that’s available for your ...

She’ll be coming around the mountain, but what will her road look like? Take a real or invented mountain, model it out of clay, and discover how we can represent it using topography. So what is topogr ...

What’s on the menu? There are many different kinds of food that people feed their dogs, and sometimes it seems like dogs will eat almost anything! Veterinarians don’t always agree on what the best, he ...

What’s hot and cold and dry all over? It’s the desert! The desert is a place of extremes. In this activity, you’ll build a desert food web and discover what plants and animals can survive in these cha ...

Uh oh – you’ve just gotten ketchup all over your favorite white shirt. What now? Figure out what stain remover will get you out of this mess and de-stress your laundry!Find out what household cleaner ...

Do plants sweat? Not quite, but they do lose water. Track down the missing mass in this experiment by learning how plants lose water to the air through transpiration.How much water can a plant lose th ...