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Cleaning can be a chore, but not with this sudsy experiment! Get excited for scrubbing with a project that lets you mix and create your very own soap. Do you think you're enough of a chemistry whiz to ...

Even though every type of soil has the potential to stain clothes and dirty fingernails, a clever soil sleuth can find subtle differences when equipped with a soil test kit and a healthy amount of cur ...

Have you ever wondered how some plants can grow in warm, humidity-soaked jungles while other plants thrive in cool, crisp mountain settings? Maybe temperature doesn't affect plants, or maybe some plan ...

Peer into an underwater world. What’s on the menu in the ocean café? In this cool science fair project, discover how tiny ocean life feeds some of the largest animals on the planet.What plants and ani ...

Composting is the process that turns vegetable scraps and other organic into lovely soil. Carbon and nitrogen are essential ingredients in your compost. Carbon-rich are called brown , and nitrogen-r ...

When it’s raining hard, those raindrops look like they’re bouncing up and down on the sidewalk. What are they really doing, and how does the size and height each drop make it splash in different ways? ...

How do roots help a tree stay upright? In the tropical rainforest, some trees have roots that stick out at the base and on top of the ground called buttress roots. Do these aboveground roots help tree ...

There’s about to be a baby boom! In this experiment, you’ll draw marbles from two different cups to create a really big pretend family of boys and girls.How did you become a boy or a girl? It happened ...

Deserts are hot and full of sand, camels, and cacti, right? Not always! In this experiment, you’ll learn how some of the world’s toughest plants survive in cold deserts.How can a desert be cold? A des ...

Determine whether landscaping fabric impacts the ability of plants to receive water.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to t ...