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What is the best way to make DIY compost? Can you help your compost turn into soil more quickly?Does adding air to a compost bin helpfruit and vegetable scraps turn into compost more quickly?It is an ...

When you send your trash to the landfill, what happens to it? It may get buried under loads of landfill waste. If some of your waste is organic material like vegetables and fruit, this means that it w ...

Has your sweet treat turned tough all of a sudden? If you’ve ever struggled to get honey out of a jar, you’ll know that this treat is sometimes a liquid and sometimes a solid. In this experiment, you’ ...

In the winter, there’s a big chill up in the Arctic, and arctic tundra animals need to be tough to stay warm. How do they adapt to the extreme cold?The body mass index (BMI) is an approximate measure ...

Determine how well a distressed bird call keeps birds away from crops.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If ...

Fizz! Pop! That bubbly stuff might make your taste buds happy, but what does it do to common household objects?How does a penny change when it’s left in a container of soda overnight?It is an educatio ...

Great crustaceans! Does more or less salt in the water create super shrimp? Make your own seawater and discover how salt helps or hinders hatching.Brine shrimp are tiny crustaceans that live in salt w ...

Could you grow a giant in your backyard? Cansoil amendments--conditioners added to the soil--help yougrow a bigger beanstalk?Do soil amendments change the growth of a beanstalk?It is an educational co ...

What? Where? If you can tell when someone’s sneaking up on you, your ears might have a good sound localization ability, meaning they're great at judging sound direction. How well do people sense the d ...

Do you have a heavy load? If so, things are looking up. Experiment with a single fixed pulley system and see how a pulley can make a load seem lighter. What is a fixed pulley? What does it do?It is an ...