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Did you know that you could build your own battery, using nothing more than some dimes, pennies, paper towels, and lemon juice? In this science project, you can use your homemade battery to make the n ...

Heat and cold can strongly affect the speed of a chemical reaction. This science project will determine the effect heat has on the reaction between a seltzer tablet and a glass of water.It is an educa ...

The purpose of this project is to determine which seeds are most likely to survive harsh winter conditions (low temperatures).It is an educational content by clicking on the title of ...

In this experiment, you will create your own light bulb and test filaments of different thicknesses to see which keeps the bulb burning for the longest time.It is an educational content by education.c ...

This science project determines the relationship between the speed of a sound and the temperature of the air it passes through.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of ...

When you walk across a carpet and then touch a doorknob, you may feel a jolt caused by static electricity. Why does that happen? The soles of your shoes and the carpet are both insulators, so when the ...

Many components affect how big a bubble you can blow. This project tests the effects of diluted soap on the size of the bubble.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of ...

The air is made up of about 21 percent oxygen. This science projects allows you to find this percentage for yourself through examining a chemical reaction between oxygen and rust.It is an educational ...

This science project determines which metal has the highest rate of conductivity.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the ...

During the burning process, potential energy in a candle is converted to heat energy. This science project measures the amount of heat energy released by a burning candle.It is an educational content ...