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Carbon dioxide, also commonly known by its chemical formula CO2, is one of the major building blocks of life. It is usually found in its gaseous form, and is a major part of the plant and animal life ...

Learn how milk freezes into ice cream.Does the fat content of the milk affect how quickly it freezes into ice cream?What is the role of salt in the freezing process?Watch how matter turns from solid t ...

This project involves experiments in papermaking.The goals of this project are: To develop new or improved papermaking techniques. To encourage recycling.It is an educational content by ...

Probably, at one point or another, you have opened up a bag or box of chocolate to find that it has turned white!This is due to either fat bloom or sugar bloom—a process in which either sugar or fat s ...

Observe the effect of an acid on chalk to draw conclusions about how acid rain can cause rocks to erode.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you wil ...

Uh oh – you’ve just gotten ketchup all over your favorite white shirt. What now? Figure out what stain remover will get you out of this mess and de-stress your laundry!Find out what household cleaner ...

When you hear the term “chemical reaction”, you might think of scientists in white lab coats mixing dark powders to create explosions. Maybe you think of the flurry of bubbles you saw when you mixed b ...

L'objectif de ce projet présenté par M. Le Goudiveze et ses élèves de PS à CP de l'école primaire des Tilleuls à Évellys (Morbihan) était de suivre toutes les étapes de la démarche du chercheur pour r ...

Les élèves découvrent la miscibilité ou non de certains liquides et abordent la notion de masse volumique des liquides.

« Comment l'eau se transforme-t-elle en glace ? » A l'aide d'un mélange réfrigérant, les élèves étudient la température et la durée nécessaire à la solidification de l'eau. Ils représentent ensuite l ...