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Study the presence of aerobic bacteria in milk using methylene blue.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If y ...

Examine the human “blind spot.” The goals of this project are: To do a study of blind spots. To create a demonstration that illustrates and explains blind spots in human perception.It is an educati ...

Why some are clear and others are opaque?It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you want to download the pr ...

Investigate existing research and determine whether brain size is correlated with intellectual ability.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will ...

Humans use both "monaural" (one ear) information and "binaural" (two ear) information in order to locate (or "localize"), people, animals, and noisey things. In this experiment, blindfolded subjects w ...

Buildings are made of multiple bricks; you are made of millions of cells.The cell is the basic unit of all living things.The cells in your body vary in size, a single nerve cell can be up to a 1 meter ...

In this experiment I was trying to find out if you gave different amounts of food to mosquito larvae would they grow faster or slower. I got mosquito eggs and I hatched them out into tanks adding pork ...

Garlic might be famous for scaring away vampires, but can it be scary to smaller organisms as well? In this experiment we’ll make microbe food to see if garlic will prevent microbes for growing. Micro ...

The purpose of this investigation is to determine what type of bag is best at preserving fruit purchased from the grocery store. The goal of the project is to compare the hardness of the fruit as the ...

Explore the effect of caffein on plant growth, I planted, germinated, and grew mung beans. I introduced caffeine into the soil of some plants and evaluated the effects of caffeine on the experimental ...