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This project examines the effects of seed storage on plant growth. The goals of this project are: To determine how seed storage conditions affect plant growth. To encourage improvements of current ag ...

The objective of this project is to model industrial oil spills and determine if they have a significant impact on wildlife that lives beneath the surface of the water. Daphnia Magna will be the model ...

Garlic is a member of the onion family, and has been used throughout human history for culinary and medicinal purposes. In this project you will detail the chemical properties of garlic, and create so ...

Determine whether the shopping carts we use in the supermarket are carriers of bacteria.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected ...

In this experiment, students will learn whether eating a hearty breakfast before and exam will get them better test scores. For this specific experiment, a simple memory test will be used in attempts ...

This science fair project will compare the allelopathic affects of juglone, a chemical agent produced by the Black Walnut tree, on two plants.It is an educational content by clicking ...

Magnets are sometimes used as therapeutics to help ease the pain of arthritis or injury, but it is not clear if they provide any benefit for users. Some scientific studies indicate that magnets may he ...

Bioluminescence describes the enchantingly surreal nature of a living organism that produces light. Many sea creatures possess this quality, but land animals such as fireflies are also known to exhibi ...

This experiment will explore whether music of different varieties affects the growth of bacteria.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be re ...

Marathon runners must run much greater distances than their track-and-field counterparts, needing to start slow and speed up towards the end. This experiment will help you to discover why.It is an edu ...