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A cartilha “Tecnologias na Escola: como explorar o potencial das tecnologias da informação e comunicação na aprendizagem” é uma publicação do Instituto Claro que apresenta um conjunto de ferramentas e ...

Texto que apresenta uma entrevista com o educador, coordenador pedagógico e gestor escolar Celso Vasconcellos. Ele justifica sua opinião sobre a avaliação escolar, na qual defende o fim da reprovação ...

Esse material traz formas lúdicas de trabalhar diversos conteúdos do ensino fundamental e médio.

CK-12’s Trigonometry Concepts is an introduction to trigonometry for the high school student. Topics include: Trigonometric Identities & Equations, Circular Functions, and Polar Equations & Complex Nu ...

CK-12 Foundation’s Trigonometry FlexBook® textbook is an introduction to trigonometry for the high school student. Topics include: Trigonometric Identities & Equations, Circular Functions, and Polar E ...

This book explores six strategies for eliminating the gap between consumption and renewable production.

It is an educational content of CK-12 Foundation (to access some of the CK-12 contents you must b ...

An introduction to theoretical probability and data organization, students will learn about events, conditions, random variables, and graphs and tables that allow them to manage data.

It is an educatio ...

CK-12 Foundation’s Basic Probability and Statistics – A Short Course is an introduction to theoretical probability and data organization. Students learn about events, conditions, random variables, and ...

This FlexBook® textbook is an introduction to theoretical probability and data organization. Students learn about events, conditions, random variables, and graphs and tables that allow them to manage ...

An introduction to astronomy written with a historical perspective.

It is an educational content of CK-12 Foundation (to access some of the CK-12 contents you must be logged in).