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Friction is kind of a drag. Every time you push on something, friction pushes back. To get an object moving, you have to overcome the friction force first. If you’ve ever walked on pavement and sudden ...

A clone is a genetically exact copy of a single living organism. Back in the day, cloning was the stuff of science fiction stories. Nowadays, cloning has been accomplished on a variety of animals unde ...

Anders Celsius created the first centigrade scale for measuring temperature in 1742. See how centigrade and Fahrenheit work, and their relationship to each other.sIt is an educational content by educa ...

The objective of this experiment is to determine whether all proteins denature at the same temperature.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will ...

Coffee, bananas, chocolate and cinnamon and many other foods found in most any U.S. household originally came from rainforests. These foods are relatively cheap and easy to find in any grocery store. ...

Glasses and contact lenses refract rays of light so that they are focused on a person’s retina. This science project demonstrates visually how glass can refract light rays. It is an educational ...

Mushrooms are fungi. They reproduce both sexually and asexually. Many fungi in our environment act as decomposers. That means they can help remove unwanted from the environment, such as dead leaves o ...

In this experiment, students will find out whether matching resonant frequencies can cause objects to shatter. This is a pretty advanced experiment as it requires knowledge of both acoustics and how t ...

In this experiment we make a fireproof balloon. What makes the balloon pop when there is no water in it? What prevents the water balloon from popping? Does the rubber have anything to do with this rea ...

Determine how hair is made to curl or is straightened.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you want to dow ...