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This project determines visual, olfactory, and taste differences between organic and non-organic foods, based on subjective observation.It is an educational content by clicking on the ...

Camouflage occurs everywhere in the natural world, but animal camouflage is an especially interesting phenomenon. In this amazing world, animal camouflage is carried out in many ways: in color pattern ...

Your mission—if you choose to accept it—is to construct a parachute that will deliver an egg safely to the ground when dropped. No fancy allowed! You can only use familiar household items like plasti ...

This project involves the search for a frictionless surface.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you want ...

Density is the mass of an object divided by its volume. A rock and a piece of foam might be the same size, but they will weigh very different amounts. Density tells you how tightly packed the molecule ...

The goal of this project is to reveal that membranes can be semi-permeable—allow for the inward and outward flow of .Eggs offer students a tangible example of membranes.They also help students underst ...

This project monitors the strength of solar UV radiation during the day.The goal of the experiment is to have the student test a hypothesis about the way UV radiation varies throughout the day by coll ...

I chose to study tides as my project during the summer of 2000 while I was at the Maryland Summer Science Center Horsehead Wetlands Program. One of the teachers there introduced the subject of tides t ...

This projects aims to observe products available in the school cafeteria and waste produced by these products, and to explore options for reducing the total waste produced by the school cafeteria.It i ...

This experiment serves to introduce students to the conditions under which molds grow, how they can be useful to us and how their growth can be controlled. In addition, the students learn how to condu ...