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Limestone is composed of tiny shells that fell to the ocean’s floor when sea creatures died. The pressure from other shells, the water and sand washing over them squashes the tiny shells together into ...

Ever notice that a conventional roller coaster never goes higher than its first hill? Roller coasters always have to end lower than where they started because of a fundamental idea called the conserva ...

When it’s hot outside, people drink more water to make up for all the water they sweat out through perspiration. So what do plants do to make up for the water lost through transpiration? Plants need w ...

Greywater, also spelled gray water, is considered wastewater by most people. However, it’s beginning to be treated and used as fresh water around the world in places dealing with growing populations b ...

Explore how the shape of a boat affects its density and how much weight it can float.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to ...

Do some colors absorb more heat than others?If you put a bunch of pieces of the same kind of paper out in the sun at the same time, they should all get equally warm, right? Let's find out!It is an edu ...

Find out whether plants can survive being frozen.The purpose of this experiment is to expose plants to freezing temperatures at various stages of their development. The plants will then be evaluated a ...

Discover whether mixing solutions of equal distances from neutral pH (7) will create a solution close to pH 7. If not, what happens to the pH level of these solutions once they are mixed?It is an educ ...

Mint is a flowering herb, and there are many different kinds of mint. It grows in cool and moist areas where there is shade.Many people enjoy the light, fresh taste of mint. Mint-flavored gum, breath ...

Find out what will make a baseball travel the farthest. The purpose of this experiment is to use baseball bats that are made out of a variety of to find out whether the material of the bat affects t ...