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This science project demonstrates how static electricity can cause an object to move. It also examines just how an object affected by static electricity will move.It is an educational content by educa ...

Students will create an uphill flow of water by using a siphon.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you wa ...

This project explores the basic physics of bridges. The goal is that the student will develop an understanding through experimentation of which shapes are the most structurally strong, and that many f ...

Since the beginning of the Industrial Age, air pollution has been a . Cars and factories add to our quality of life, yet take away from our quality of air. In this investigation, local air quality is ...

Cold water is denser than warm water. Water with a high salt concentration (salinity) is denser than water that has a lower salt concentration. Warmwater rises above densercolder water, and bodies of ...

This project models a real world scenario and ecological issue: eutrophication, which results in bodies of water that are depleted of oxygen and are in a sense “dead”. The goal of the project is that ...

Bread is the “staple of life.” Most breads are made with yeast, which is a sturdy fungus that interacts with the grain and sugar to create carbon dioxide, which causes the bread dough to rise. The stu ...

Electric energy is carried by current, which is the flow of electrons, which are the negatively charged sub-particles of atoms. This transfer of electrons from one place to another powers our lights, ...

The goal of this experiment is to model the subterranean movement of water, such as takes place in caves and aquifers.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this res ...

All living things need water to survive, but not all water is the same. This experiment aims to discover if different types of water effect the germination of seeds and growth of plants.It is an educa ...