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This experiment will evaluate if the phases of the moon impact the way people feel.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to th ...

Learn the basic structure of a DNA strand, which is the double helix, how genes form together, and the resemblance DNA has to a twisted ladder.It is an educational content by clicking ...

Determine if the material and the tensile strength of different types of skateboard wheels significantly affects the friction co-efficient- and therefore the velocity- of a skateboarder.It is an educa ...

Using common laundry stains of coffee, make up and ketchup I set out to learn which laundry detergent, Tide, Gain or Ultra Laundry Detergent worked the best at cleaning white handkerchiefs.It is an ed ...

Find out whether people think a person feels a certain way based on the color of their shirt.The purpose of this experiment is to find out whether there is a connection to the color a person wears and ...

Limestone is composed of tiny shells that fell to the ocean’s floor when sea creatures died. The pressure from other shells, the water and sand washing over them squashes the tiny shells together into ...

Ever notice that a conventional roller coaster never goes higher than its first hill? Roller coasters always have to end lower than where they started because of a fundamental idea called the conserva ...

When it’s hot outside, people drink more water to make up for all the water they sweat out through perspiration. So what do plants do to make up for the water lost through transpiration? Plants need w ...

We will determine if people with cool skin tones prefer cool colors and people with warm skin tones prefer warm colors.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this re ...

Discover whether reading text on a computer screen or type on paper leads to better retention of information.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, yo ...