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This experiment will evaluate if the temperature of the environment that you work in affects your ability to perform mental tasks.It is an educational content by clicking on the title ...

As technology advances, there has been a shift in how people obtain information. People used to exclusively obtain information by reading from paper, but now consumers also peruse internet articles on ...

In this investigation, different childproof containers are tested to see how childproof they really are.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you wil ...

In this study, you will test the short-term memory capacity of different age groups and examine your data to determine if younger people really have a better memory than older people.It is an educatio ...

Determine whether volunteers remember more information when it is presented orally, visually or kinesthetically.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, ...

Some people learn best by seeing information while others learn best when they listen to someone speaking. In this experiment, you will evaluate whether people are better auditory or visual learners a ...

You will determine if there is a relationship between the number of beats per minute in a song and the genre of music you're listening to.It is an educational content by clicking on t ...

The purpose of this experiment is to evaluate whether tone of voice can influence test subjects’ ability to remember a list of everyday objects.It is an educational content by clickin ...

Design and conduct an experiment to determine whether there are gender differences when boys and girls view optical illusions?It is an educational content by clicking on the title of ...

Music is often used as a study aid by students. Music affects the psyche as well, according to pitch, passages and tempo. This projects addresses only tempo, and whether faster or slower music works b ...