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Determine whether lettuce that is harvested gradeually yields more produce than lettuce that is harvested all at once.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this res ...

Students will discover whether tapping the top or the side of the can will stop a vigorously-shaken can of soda from exploding into a sticky mess and the logic behind it.It is an educational content b ...

Determine whether boys and girls have the same lung capacity.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you want ...

Understand the general concept of an acid and a base. To understand and explore the concept of a chemical reaction and an acid-base reaction.It is an educational content by clicking o ...

Fire extinguishers work by using carbon dioxide to extinguishing the oxygen. A fire needs oxygen to burn. The carbon dioxide suffocates the fire. Fire fighters use this science in their daily work. In ...

In this experiment, students will find out whether dry ice will cool a beverage faster than wet ice.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be ...

All living things need water to survive, but not all water is the same. This experiment aims to discover if different types of water effect the germination of seeds and growth of plants.It is an educa ...

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is present in the air we breath and in the carbonated soda we drink. In soda, the carbon dioxide gas (CO2 ) has been dissolved, a process called carbonation that results in soda's ...

Find out how much yeast can cause bread to rise.The purpose of this experiment is to measure the growth of bread dough and find out how long it takes for the dough to stop rising.It is an educational ...

In this experiment you will be witnessing alcoholic fermentation at work by making your own soda. A long time ago, they used to make sassafras, which is root beer. They would put yeast and roots from ...