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Alphabet: Introduction

Explore Language Learning with ProFuturo's 'The Alphabet: Introduction' Unit. Engage students in interactive activities to build foundational literacy skills, from recognizing letters to storytelling. Enhance fine motor skills and foster creativity through tracing, rhymes, and nursery rhymes. Prepare students for a lifelong journey of language exploration and communication.






This resource contains:

LIN.U01.01. Alphabet. Introduction. Introduction
LIN.U01.02. Alphabet. Introduction. School Supplies
LIN.U01.03. Alphabet. Introduction. Drawing Lines and Writing Words
LIN.U01.04. Alphabet. Introduction. Nursery Rhymes: "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" and "Humpty Dumpty"
LIN.U01.05. Alphabet. Introduction. The Alphabet
LIN.U01.06. Alphabet. Introduction. Uppercase and Lowercase Letters
LIN.U01.07. Alphabet. Introduction. Recognising Letters and Writing Words
LIN.U01.08. Alphabet. Introduction. The Weather
LIN.U01.09. Alphabet. Introduction. Story: "The Three Little Pigs"
LIN.U01.10. Alphabet. Introduction. Assessment
LIN.U01.11. Alphabet. Introduction. Summary

Alphabet: Introduction

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Autor profuturo

Categorías 6-8 años, Lengua y literatura, Inglés-Lengua extranjera, Secuencia didáctica, ProFuturo, Actividad interactiva, Inglés add

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Fecha de publicación 20 / 07 / 2020

Licencia Se respeta la licencia original del recurso.



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