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Discover whether certain types of rocks are more difficult to break than other types of rocks.The purpose of this experiment is to test various sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks to find out w ...

Pores are small openings that allow air and moisture to permeate the surface of a material. Porosity is the measure of these voids relative to the solid structure. Porosity is a significant considerat ...

Geodes are formed in empty spaces inside rocks. Fluids containing minerals make their way into a rock’s cavity and crystals begin to grow. From the outside they look like an ordinary rock, although th ...

The formation of stalagmites and stalactites happens through the capillary action between porous rocks and water rich in minerals. The rocks attract the water and the moisture accumulates until gravit ...

Limestone is composed of tiny shells that fell to the ocean’s floor when sea creatures died. The pressure from other shells, the water and sand washing over them squashes the tiny shells together into ...

By applying more and more pressure to a piece of aluminum foil “clay,” we can discover, stage by stage, how heat and pressure turn clay into slate, phyllite, and finally schist.It is an educational co ...

Create your own miniature salt flats at home.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you want to download the ...