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Determine whether plants experience pollution. Will plants grow more or will they be unaffected when planted in polluted soil?It is an educational content by clicking on the title of ...

Determine whether cooking seeds before planting will speed up plant germination and growth or whether just soaking the seeds suffice.It is an educational content by clicking on the ti ...

Soil texture is determined by the relative proportion of sand, silt, clay and small rocks (pebbles) found in a given sample. Sand is gritty to the touch and the individual grains or particles can be s ...

Student finds and identifies invertebrates in soil samples to determine which soil has greater biological activity. What organisms are found in soil? What are nematodes? What role do nematodes play in ...

Determine which laundry detergent is best for cleaning clothes.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you wa ...

This project examines the influence of the phase of the moon on moisture capillarity in garden soil. The goal is to have the student test a hypothesis about seed germination and the phases of the moon ...

Which of the following will grow larger plants with a greater number of flowers in the same time period, under the same conditions of water, light and temperature? Those in compost, those in soil plus ...

Determine whether plants grow better in soil or in fish ponds. The purpose of this experiment is to grow lettuce plants in two different conditions to determine whether plants grow more rapidly in soi ...

Your feet may already know what specific heat is: Your toes felt nice and cool in the ocean on a summer day. Then, you decided to walk barefoot to the ice cream stand. The sand was much warmer than th ...

Grass might not be the most exotic looking plant in the world, but it is one of the most important. Its pretty green color comes from the chlorophyll inside, which is a pigment that plants use in phot ...