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Crickets chirp by rubbing their forewings together in order to attract mates. In this science project, you will analyze the relationship between temperature and the rate of cricket chirping.It is an e ...

Find out the angle that allows a thrown ball to travel the furthest.The purpose of this experiment is to attempt to throw a ball the greatest horizontal distance possible by using different angles.It ...

The goal of this experiment is to explore the relationship between blood pressure and pulse in healthy people. Objectives include defining pulse, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and ...

This experiment will determine whether the diet and taste preferences of humans relate to their personality.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you ...

The student will collect and count invertebrates in ecosystems to determine if there is a relationship between the number and variety of insects and spiders.It is an educational content by education.c ...

The big flash you see when lightning strikes is a natural electrical discharge between a cloud and the ground, or within a cloud. This lightning can travel as fast as 140,000 MPH and reach temperature ...

Not all fruits and vegetables are alike. Although whole foods are a healthier choice there is a hierarchy of nutritional value between fruits and vegetables. As the saying goes, “an apple a day keeps ...

Are you a square or a rectangle? You can figure it out by measuring your height and the length between your fingertips when you spread your arms apart. If these measurements are almost equal, you’re a ...

You might notice that winter forecasts of a foot or more snow are fairly common. This is very different from rain forecasts. Even in rainy areas, single rainstorms that top five inches are unusual. If ...

Compound motion occurs when two forces act on the same object. This science project explores how compound motion works.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this re ...