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This simple experiment will teach kids about convex/concave objects and how they reflect light. They will also learn the difference between concave and convex.It is an educational content by education ...

There are lots of great reasons to learn how to make a solar oven! Maybe you’re going camping. Maybe you’re interested in learning about different ways to concentrate the sun’s energy. Maybe you’re in ...

This experiment serves to acquaint students with basic information on the construction and use of the periscope. To their amazement, students discover that they can observe objects from a concealed po ...

Sound travels in waves, similar to light. If you shine a light onto a mirror the light bounces off the mirror so that the light shines in a different direction. The same is true for sound. Sound waves ...

Periscopes were invented to observe things from a hidden position. They were used to see above water from submarines, in all directions from inside a tank, and above ground from trenches by soldiers d ...

On the informational level, the student becomes acquainted with the law of reflection as it pertains to plane mirrors. First, the student experiences how a plane mirror creates an image that is flippe ...

Do some colors absorb more heat than others?If you put a bunch of pieces of the same kind of paper out in the sun at the same time, they should all get equally warm, right? Let's find out!It is an edu ...

Photography is an excellent way to learn the physics of light. Cameras have adjustable settings such as shutter speed, aperture diameter, and ISO speed to modify the way light enters the camera. Black ...

This science project demonstrates how a rainbow forms, using water to split white light into its many colors.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, yo ...

Investigate if heat from direct sunlight is hotter than heat from reflected sunlight.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to ...