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What is the most effective method of preserving food? Using three types of containers we will test which one preserves fruits and vegetables the longest.It is an educational content by ...

Not all fruits and vegetables are alike. Although whole foods are a healthier choice there is a hierarchy of nutritional value between fruits and vegetables. As the saying goes, “an apple a day keeps ...

Which fruit molds the fastest?It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you want to download the project, you j ...

Many products on the market are supposed to enhance the growth of plants. Naturally, each of them claims to be the best. This project might provide the additional insight needed to make wise choices r ...

This science fair project will compare the allelopathic affects of juglone, a chemical agent produced by the Black Walnut tree, on two plants.It is an educational content by clicking ...

In this science fair project,construct batteriesfrom various fruits and testthem to see which one will producethe most electric current. Then, determine if it would be practical to use fruit as a natu ...

Determine if Green Bags are the most effective at protecting and preserving fruits, vegetables and breads.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you w ...

Determine whether plants will grow in garbage.The purpose of this experiment is to find out whether plants are able to get enough nutrients from different types of garbage to be able to grow.It is an ...

The purpose of this investigation is to determine what type of bag is best at preserving fruit purchased from the grocery store. The goal of the project is to compare the hardness of the fruit as the ...

When a fruit “rots” it decomposes into simpler forms of matter. Decomposition is a form of natural recycling and is necessary to maintain the finite matter that takes up physical space in the biome.Do ...