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All wood burns, but do some kinds of food burn faster than others? This experiment demands a high level of caution. Please do not perform it without an adult present.It is an educational content by ed ...

Fire extinguishers work by using carbon dioxide to extinguishing the oxygen. A fire needs oxygen to burn. The carbon dioxide suffocates the fire. Fire fighters use this science in their daily work. In ...

Learn about starting fires without the use of matches or lighters.The purpose of this experiment is to find out how difficult it is to start a fire from scratch.It is an educational content by educati ...

Find out which part of a flame burns wood (in this case, a toothpick) the fastest and also if this is true for all types of flames such as candle-flame, burners, and lighters.It is an educational cont ...

This science project compares the ignition rates of various types of flame-retardant .It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to ...