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Shadow Science: What Makes Shade Shift?

Shadows are sneaky things: they run ahead of you, jump behind you, and sometimes even disappear completely! Even Peter Pan had trouble catching his shadow.Believe it or not, all that sneakiness is actually the result of shadow science. Your shadow changes size and shape during the day and then runs and hides when it gets dark—unless you're near a light. So, what exactly makes your shadowy twin dance around all day? Let's play detective and find out why that sneaky shadow never stays in one place for long.What makes shadows change size and shape throughout the day?

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Autor Nannette Richford

Categorias 6-8 años, Ficha para imprimir, Experimento/Práctica, Science Fair - Education, Ciencias de la Tierra y Medioambiente, Inglés add

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Data de publicação 27 / 08 / 2020

Licença Respeita a licença original do recurso.



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