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Ouch! Evaluating Tricks to Help Ease Pain

People use a variety of techniques to deal with pain or discomfort. Common pain management techniques include listening to music, massage, and deep breathing. This experiment will evaluate how well these strategies are able to help test subjects manage the discomfort of icy water. Which technique allows the test subject to manage his or her discomfort for the longest amount of time?

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Autor Megan Doyle, Ph.D.

Categorias 6-8 años, Ficha para imprimir, 8-10 años, Experimento/Práctica, 10-12 años, Science Fair - Education, Biología, Inglés add

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Data de publicação 27 / 08 / 2020

Licença Respeita a licença original do recurso.



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Ouch! Evaluating Tricks to Help Ease Pain
