French forces get embroiled in the Iberian Peninsula.
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Categorias 16-18 años, Historia, Vídeo, Khan Academy, Inglés add
Tag napoleon's peninsular campaigns, napoleon, continental system, berlin decree, military history of france, napoleonic wars, charles iv of spain, invasion of portugal (1807), first french empire, jean-andoche junot, john vi of portugal, kingdom of portugal, peninsular war, legion of honour, joseph bonaparte, house of bonaparte, guerrilla warfare, war of the fifth coalition, francis ii holy roman emperor, archduke charles, archduke john of austria, frederick william, william cavendish-bentinck, spencer perceval, john pitt, andreas hofer, maximilian i joseph of bavaria, eugène de beauharnais, józef poniatowski, frederick augustus i of saxony, austrian empire, united kingdom of great britain and ireland, war of the sixth coalition, french invasion of russia, bourbon restoration, wars of national liberation, dos de mayo uprising, grande armée, spanish constitution of 1812, absolute monarchy, pope pius vii add
Data de publicação 27 / 08 / 2020
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Napoleon's Peninsular Campaigns
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