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Human action on the natural enviroment

Discover the impact of human actions on the environment with our engaging learning unit! Explore concepts like sustainability and environmental education, while learning about pollution, global warming, and the importance of conservation. By the end, students will recognize the significance of recycling, understand environmental issues, and develop social awareness to address these challenges effectively.






This resource contains:

SCI.U48.01. Human action on the natural enviroment. Introduction
SCI.U48.02. Human action on the natural enviroment. The environmental impact of humans
SCI.U48.03. Human action on the natural enviroment. Overexploitation of natural resources
SCI.U48.04. Human action on the natural enviroment. Human beings and sustainability
SCI.U48.05. Human action on the natural enviroment. Global warming
SCI.U48.06. Human action on the natural enviroment. Sustainable actions: recycle, reuse and reduce
SCI.U48.07. Human action on the natural enviroment. The environmental impact of our family
SCI.U48.08. Human action on the natural enviroment. Assessment 
SCI.U48.09. Human action on the natural enviroment. Summary

Human action on the natural enviroment

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