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Geometrical concepts: flat figures

Boost comprehension of time measurement and geometric concepts with engaging activities. Explore calendar reading, calculation strategies, geometric shapes, and introductory multiplication problems. Our resources foster interactive learning experiences adaptable to diverse teaching objectives.







This resource contains:

MAT.U11.01. Geometrical concepts: flat figures. Introduction
MAT.U11.02. Geometrical concepts: flat figures. Measure time
MAT.U11.03. Geometrical concepts: flat figures. Knowing a calculation helps when one has to solve other
MAT.U11.04. Geometrical concepts: flat figures. Recognise geometric figures
MAT.U11.05. Geometrical concepts: flat figures. Multiplication problems
MAT.U11.06. Geometrical concepts: flat figures. Assessment
MAT.U11.07. Geometrical concepts: flat figures. Summary

Geometrical concepts: flat figures

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