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Drafting techniques

Master the art of writing with our unit on writing techniques! Explore coherence, cohesion, adaptation, correction, and presentation of texts. Learn the communicative purpose of writing and utilize digital tools for text creation. Develop linguistic and life skills. Get ready to express yourself effectively in any situation!







This resource contains:

LIN.U30.01. Drafting techniques. Introduction
LIN.U30.02. Drafting techniques. Coherence
LIN.U30.03. Drafting techniques. Cohesion
LIN.U30.04. Drafting techniques. Adapting the text
LIN.U30.05. Drafting techniques. Communicative purpose
LIN.U30.06. Drafting techniques. Text correction
LIN.U30.07. Drafting techniques. Word processors
LIN.U30.08. Drafting techniques. Text presentation
LIN.U30.09. Drafting techniques. Test yourself
LIN.U30.10. Drafting techniques. Summary

Drafting techniques

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