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Discovering the Best Water for Plants

Plants that live outside are often watered by the rain, but indoor plants are usually given tap water. Water, along with soil and light, is one of the three essential elements needed to help plants grow healthy and strong.Rainwater and tap water are only two of many different kinds of water that can be used to help plants grow—and stay—healthy. So what is the best water for plants? Some kinds work to damage the stem, root or seed, while others provide important vitamins and nutrients that plant life needs to grow. Testing different kinds of water will help you discover which types to avoid using so that you don't hurt your plants, and which types help your garden grow tall and lush, with ripe vegetables and full flowers.

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Autor Alicia Bodine

Categorias Ficha para imprimir, 3-6 años, Experimento/Práctica, Science Fair - Education, Biología, Inglés add

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Data de publicação 27 / 08 / 2020

Licença Respeita a licença original do recurso.



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