Toda a comunidade


Communication Through Time

Explore the evolution of communication throughout history! From ancient gestures to modern digital platforms, this unit delves into the ways humans have connected over time. Help students reflect on past and present communication methods while developing essential 21st-century skills. Adapt activities to fit your classroom's needs for an engaging learning experience.







This resource contains:

TEC.U03.01. Communication Through Time. Introduction
TEC.U03.02. Communication Through Time. Communication
TEC.U03.03. Communication Through Time. Means of Communication
TEC.U03.04. Communication Through Time. History of the Means of Communication
TEC.U03.05. Communication Through Time. Exercises
TEC.U03.06. Communication Through Time. Assessment
TEC.U03.07. Communication Through Time. Summary

Communication Through Time

  • Ações more_vert



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