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Collaboration and team work

Unlock the power of teamwork with our unit! Learn how collaboration has shaped human history and discover its importance in solving everyday challenges. From understanding the difference between a group and a team to executing projects together, develop essential skills for success in and out of the classroom. Suitable for ages 8-12, with engaging activities for practical learning!






This resource contains:

WOT.U08.01. Collaboration and team work. Introduction
WOT.U08.02. Collaboration and team work. What is teamwork?
WOT.U08.03. Collaboration and team work. How to work in a team?
WOT.U08.04. Collaboration and team work. Let's work on a "Team Project" 
WOT.U08.05. Collaboration and team work. Summary
WOT.U08.06. Collaboration and team work. Assessment

Collaboration and team work

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Autor profuturo

Categorias Relaciones interpersonales, 8-10 años, Secuencia didáctica, ProFuturo, Actividad interactiva, Inglés add

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Data de publicação 20 / 07 / 2020

Licença Respeita a licença original do recurso.



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