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Build an Insect Model

Bring all of those really bad horror movies to life by creating a giant insect! But your insect will serve the powers of good—good science, that is.Insects come in many different shapes and sizes. A grasshopper is an insect, and so are bees, flies and ants. Animals such as snails and centipedes, however, fall into the larger category of invertebrates—animals without backbones—but they are not insects. Insects have very specific body parts. In this activity, you’ll learn about these body parts by creating your own giant insect.An insect’s body has three parts: a head, thorax, and abdomen. The insect’s head is similar to ours in some ways. For instance, it contains what we’d call the insect’s brain, even though other parts of the insect are also responsible for storing information and controlling the insect’s movement. The eyes are also located on the head, although insect eyes are often quite different from human eyes. Insects often have compound eyes made up of many different parts that allow the insect to see in many different directions. An insect’s head has stalk-like structures called antennaethat are used for feeling and smelling. Different insects have different ways of eating, but an insect’s mouthparts (mandibles) are also on its head.The thorax is the name for the middle part of the insect’s body where the legs and wings are attached. Insects all have six legs. Think of the thorax as a muscular box that provides the structures needed to move the insect’s legs and wings.

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Autor Tricia Edgar

Categorias 6-8 años, Ficha para imprimir, Experimento/Práctica, Science Fair - Education, Biología, Inglés add

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Data de publicação 27 / 08 / 2020

Licença Respeita a licença original do recurso.



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