Toda a comunidade

1291 - 1300

Determine whether or not people can tell if they are being watched. Gather experimental evidence that either proves or disproves this theory.It is an educational content by clicking o ...

The goal of this experiment is to explore how building on different types of soil affects the relative stability of buildings in an earthquake. Students will build a shake table upon which a basin hol ...

Find out how to lower a person’s center of balance.The purpose of this experiment is to learn whether it is easier to balance on a narrow ledge or on a rope if a person is holding their arms out to th ...

This project explores whether images in color and images in black and white have different emotional resonances.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, ...

The goal of this experiment is to measure the diameter of the sun. During the process of this experiment, the student will become familiar with working with ratios. This experiment can be repeated to ...

Determine whether the shopping carts we use in the supermarket are carriers of bacteria.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected ...

This experiment will teach students the relationship between fluid flow rate, pressure, and resistance. What happens to the flow rate when the diameter of the hole is increased? What happens when you ...

The objedtive of this experiment is to find latitude, and to learn about geographic locations, and what this means in our lives.It is an educational content by clicking on the title o ...

Birth order is defined as a person's rank by age among his or her siblings. Studies indicate that family position can have a strong influence on a person’s personality. This experiment will evaluate t ...

Surface tension causes the molecules at the surface of a liquid (such as water) to cling together. This project examines the effects of soap on the surface tension of water.It is an educational conten ...