Toda a comunidade

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Le principe de l’histoire imposée est de se voir imposer plusieurs mots qui devront permettre d’inventer une histoire.

Une activité qui sollicite l’imagination et de nom ...

Parler de Noël n’aura jamais été aussi simple en cours de FLE. Cette ressource est à utiliser avec les niveaux A2 – B1 – B2 – C1.

Connaissez-vous les différentes traditions de la période de Noël en France ? Le Sapin, Les boules de Noël, les Guirlandes, le Calendrier de l’avent, le Gui, la Bûch ...

Programação em blocos (arrastando blocos com mouse) para facilitar a criação de programas.

Ffind out how much force is needed to move a lever at different distances from the fulcrum. The purpose of this experiment is to learn whether the amount of force needed to lift an object on one end ...

Find out how the depth of a boat in the water affects its momentum.The purpose of this experiment is to see whether the depth of a boat in the water changes how fast it moves and how straight it sails ...

Learn about why nitrogen fixing bacteria are important to plant growth.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. I ...

If you leave of cup of water on a sunny table outside, the water disappears in a couple days. Where does it go? When water “disappears,” how does it get back to us? Learn how to make a water cycle mod ...

The objective of this experiment is to understand whether memory can be improved by doing physical activityIt is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you ...

Lean about what makes a bird waterproof (hint – it is not the oil gland), and how oil affects a bird’s waterproofing. With more in depth research, the student will learn how else oil affects the bird, ...