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If you wake early in the morning, you may notice that the ground is wet with dew. This dew doesn’t come from rain, but seems to magically appear on surfaces. During the night, the temperature of the a ...

Rocks are ever changing.They can be smoothed by water, broken off by wind, and cracked by ice.If you found a rock in your backyard then traveled back in time 1,000 years, that rock would look totally ...

Grass might not be the most exotic looking plant in the world, but it is one of the most important. Its pretty green color comes from the chlorophyll inside, which is a pigment that plants use in phot ...

Students will create an uphill flow of water by using a siphon.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you wa ...

Cold water is denser than warm water. Water with a high salt concentration (salinity) is denser than water that has a lower salt concentration. Warmwater rises above densercolder water, and bodies of ...

The goal of this experiment is to model the subterranean movement of water, such as takes place in caves and aquifers.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this res ...

All living things need water to survive, but not all water is the same. This experiment aims to discover if different types of water effect the germination of seeds and growth of plants.It is an educa ...

Determine how a deep sea diver works. Is air heavier or lighter than water?It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the conten ...

As infants we learn to stack blocks, taking one block and placing it on top of the other, hoping that it will not topple. Just as we learned to build a tower of blocks we can learn to build a stack of ...

This project investigates the relationship between acid rain and the dissolved oxygen concentration of water. The goals of the project include simulating the environment of a pond by filling a fish ta ...