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To investigate the ability of different whitening toothpastes to whiten teeth.Research QuestionsIt is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be red ...

Esqueleto de un gato: mamífero carnívoro de la familia de los félidos que tiene garras retráctiles. Hay especies salvajes y domésticas. Ver más

Esqueleto de un gato - El Diccionario Visual - Copyright ...

Squelette d'un chat: mammifère carnivore de la famille des félidés pourvu de griffes rétractiles. Il y a des espèces sauvages et domestiques. Voir plus

Squelette d'un chat - Dictionnaire Visuel - Copyr ...

Snake: a limbless, elongated, cylindrical reptile. See more

Snake - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-2016 - All rights reserved.

Skeleton of a turtle: reptile with an oval shell and a horned beak. It has a very short tail and four short legs, and moves very slowly. See more

Skeleton of a turtle - Visual Dictionary - Copyright &c ...

Cayman: crocodilian reptile with a broad, short snout, native to the Americas. See more

Cayman - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-2016 - All rights reserved.

Skeleton of a cat: carnivorous mammal of the feline family, with retractile claws. There are both wild and domestic varieties. See more

Skeleton of a cat - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-201 ...

Skeleton of a horse: large hoofed and maned domestic animal of the ungulate family. Raised by humans for pulling loads and for transportation. See more

Skeleton of a horse - Visual Dictionary - Copyrig ...

Skeleton of a gorilla: fruit-eating anthropoid ape. The largest and strongest of all apes. See more

Skeleton of a gorilla - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-2016 - All rights reserved.

Parts of a tooth: hard organ composed of dentin and enamel, used for biting and for chewing food. See more

Parts of a tooth - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-2016 - All rights reserved.