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If you didn't have to go to school, what time would you wake up in the morning? Would you sleep in until lunchtime or get up at the crack of dawn? Bees don't have to go to school, but something -- bes ...

You know you feel hotter after running around, but are you actually hotter? How much hotter? Use a liquid crystal thermometer to find out whether exercising makes a difference in people’s temperature. ...

Thermometers tell us important information, like whether we should bring a parka or swimsuit when we go on vacation! There are two well known temperature scales: Fahrenheit (F for short) and Celsius ( ...

Does a fan really cool the air?It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you want to download the project, you ...

Reaction time is the time it takes to process information, more specifically the time interval between a stimulus and reaction. In nature having a short reaction time will increase the animal's chance ...

In this experiment we will test the validity of mood rings.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you want t ...

Your feet may already know what specific heat is: Your toes felt nice and cool in the ocean on a summer day. Then, you decided to walk barefoot to the ice cream stand. The sand was much warmer than th ...

If you wake early in the morning, you may notice that the ground is wet with dew. This dew doesn’t come from rain, but seems to magically appear on surfaces. During the night, the temperature of the a ...

When you walk outside on a humid summer day, you can practically feel the moisture hanging in the air. But how can you measure humidity? Believe it or not, you can make your own instrument, called a p ...