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Discover whether certain types of rocks are more difficult to break than other types of rocks.The purpose of this experiment is to test various sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks to find out w ...

Get your motors ready—we’re heading out on the magnetic racetrack. Learn how to measure the strength of a magnet with a ruler, some graph paper, and a toy car in this cool magnet science fair project. ...

A magnetometer measures the strength and direction of magnetic fields. Its uses include detecting things submerged underground like archeological sites, shipwrecks and buried metal objects. It is also ...

Magnets are everywhere in our everyday lives! Hard drives that store data in your computer are coated with a magnetic material, the speakers in your headphones are powered by magnets, and your refrige ...

Toilet paper with more layers, or ply, is more expensive. Is the cost really worth the difference when it comes to the strength of the toilet paper?It is an educational content by cli ...

In this project you will conduct a test to see how strong eggshells are, or how much weight they can bear. I will be expecting the vertical dome to sustain weight for a longer period of time.It is an ...

We ask a lot out of our bridges. We build them across vast spaces, stack them into double decker’s and place bumper-to-bumper traffic on them. We expect that our bridges will support a great deal of w ...

Explore Forces and Motion with Newton's Laws! Dive into the principles of physics and understand why objects move and interact. From the basics of forces to the intricacies of gravitational pull, ...