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Explore plant growth from a bulb, root, and a stem. Investigate asexual plant reproduction.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirect ...

We will be observing the condition of various blossoms over a two-week period to determine which flower lasts the longest.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this ...

Acid rain is becoming more and more of a for our world. Outside of industrial pollutants, like nitrogenous and sulfuric oxides, even excess carbon dioxide can affect the pH of rainwater. One question ...

Plant: living being with cellulose walls, and often chlorophyll and starch; it has neither a mouth nor a nervous system; its mobility and sensitivity are weaker than those of animals. See more

Plant - ...

Leaf: chlorophyll containing outgrowth of a stem or branch; the site of photosynthesis. See more

Leaf - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-2016 - All rights reserved.

Bulb: underground bulb of a tulip. See more

Bulb - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-2016 - All rights reserved.

Dive into the captivating world of plants and flowers with our comprehensive learning unit! From understanding plant classification to exploring the vital role of plants in ecosystems, this course cov ...

Explore environment and health: Dive into the classroom discussions about the environment and health, fostering awareness of children's roles in the world. Through engaging activities on food and ...

Foster respect for nature: Dive into the world of plants, understanding their vital role, life cycles, and care. Through interactive activities, students develop a deeper appreciation for plants and t ...