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Have you ever wondered why all the planets are round, and how they got that way? Knowing how objects react in space is very important to astronomers as they discover new parts of the universe. If ther ...

Astronauts have to contend with a number of unusual issues while living on the space station. Possibly the biggest difference between life up there and life down here is the apparent “weightlessness”: ...

Study black holes. The goals of this project are: To define and illustrate the properties of black holes in space. To make predictions and calculations based on what we know about black holes.It is an ...

Long ago, many people believed the world was flat. Explorers who loved geography—studying the earth—eventually proved it was round. As people learned more and more about what the world looked like, th ...

This project attempts to design the smallest possible, fully equipped, one-person living space.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redi ...

You will learn an introduction to the field of probability: The definitions and basic notions to solve problems, operations between events and the rule of Laplace.

Definition of probability, sample spa ...

Explore the wonders of the sky, the moon, and earth's movements through captivating astronomy lessons. Foster curiosity and discovery with hands-on activities and online resources, igniting a pass ...