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Student compares the water permeability of soils to understand their physical and environmental properties. What particles make up soils? What are the physical characteristics of soils? How can soil t ...

A non-Newtonian fluid contains elements of both a liquid and a solid. This science project allows you to explore a simple non-Newtonian fluid.It is an educational content by clicking ...

This project evaluates the ability of a biodegradeable dish detergent to increase the penetration of water in hydrophobic soils.The goal is to have the student formulate and test a hypothesis about th ...

Limestone is composed of tiny shells that fell to the ocean’s floor when sea creatures died. The pressure from other shells, the water and sand washing over them squashes the tiny shells together into ...

The goal of this experiment is to explore how building on different types of soil affects the relative stability of buildings in an earthquake. Students will build a shake table upon which a basin hol ...

In this experiment we will make sand that resists water. Most people associate sand with the ocean. What if sand was hydrophobic?It is an educational content by clicking on the title ...