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Michelangelo, Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, 1508-12 (Vatican, Rome). Speakers Dr. Beth Harris, Dr. Steven Zucker.

It is an educational content by Khan Academy, site that contains a wide variety of edu ...

Michelangelo, Moses, marble, ca. 1513-15 (San Pietro in Vincoli, Rome). Speakers Dr. Beth Harris, Dr. Steven Zucker.

It is an educational content by Khan Academy, site that contains a wide variety of e ...

Mosaics, Santa Prassede, Rome, early 9th century Mosaics from the early 9th century, under Pope Paschal. The church is dedicated to Saint Praxedes and her sister Saint Pudentiana, daughters of Saint P ...

The Pantheon, Rome, c. 125. Speakers Dr. Beth Harris, Dr. Steven Zucker.

It is an educational content by Khan Academy, site that contains a wide variety of educational videos.

Temple of Portunus (formerly known as, Fortuna Virilis), travertine, tufa, and stucco,c. 120-80 B.C.E., Rome A video by Beth Harris and Steven Zucker.

It is an educational content by K ...

Equestrian Sculpture of Marcus Aurelius, bronze, c. 173-76 C.E., (Capitoline Museums, Rome). The original location of the sculpture is unknown though it had been housed in the Lateran Palace since the ...