
101 - 110

Fra Angelico, The Annunciation and Life of the Virgin (in the predella), c. 1426, tempera on wood, 194 x 194 cm (Museo del Prado, Madrid). Speakers Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker.

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Petrus Christus, Portrait of a Carthusian, 1446 (Metropolitan Museum of Art). Speakers Dr. David Drogin, Dr. Beth Harris.

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Petrus Christus, Portrait of a Young Woman, c. 1470, oil on oak, 29 x 22.50 cm (Gemäldegalerie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin). In the Google Art Project ...

Fra Angelico, The Annunciation, c. 1438-47, fresco, 230 x 321 cm (Convent of San Marco, Florence). Speakers Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker.

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Andrea Mantegna, Dead Christ, tempera on canvas, c. 1490 (Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan). Speakers Dr. Steven Zucker, Isaac Peterson, Dr. Beth Harris.

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Fra Fillippo Lippi, Portrait of a Man and Woman at a Casement, tempera on wood, c. 1440 (Metropolitan Museum of Art). Speakers Dr. David Drogin, Dr. Beth Harris.

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Fra Filippo Lippi, Madonna and Child, c. 1440, tempera on panel, 79 x 51.1 cm / 31-1/8 x 20-1/8 inches (National Gallery of Art, Washington). Speakers Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker.

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Giotto, The Entombment of Mary, 1310, tempera on poplar, 75 x 179 cm (Gemäldegalerie, Kaiser Friedrich-Museums-Verein, Berlin).

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Giotto, The Ognissanti Madonna, 1306-10, tempera on panel, 128 x 80 1/4" (325 x 204 cm). Painted for the Church of Ognissanti, Florence. Speakers Dr. Steven Zucker and Dr. Beth Harris.

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Simone Martini, Annunciation, 1333, tempera on panel, 72 1/2 x 82 5/8" or 184 x 210 cm. (Uffizi, Florence) Speakers Dr. Steven Zucker and Dr. Beth Harris.

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