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This project explores the process of biodegradeation.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you want to down ...

Imagine a monster wants to come live in your house. Would you let it? Monsters are pretty famous for being scary and hurtful. While it might not seem like a hard decision to keep a monster away from y ...

Discover whether plants grow best in chemical fertilizer, organic fertilizer, or with no fertilizer at all.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you ...

Soil is made up of different layers. How far down do you need to dig to find the soil horizon, or the place where bits of leaves and branches become soil?How deep do you need to go to find the place w ...

Determine how we can capture a scent.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you want to download the project ...

Although we cannot help but create some trash living in modern society, we do have some choice in what we purchase and how we dispose of this trash. In most areas, at least some sort of recycling is a ...

Composting is the process that turns vegetable scraps and other organic into lovely soil. Carbon and nitrogen are essential ingredients in your compost. Carbon-rich are called brown , and nitrogen-r ...

It’s commonly known that soda has a large quantity of sugar.But how much sugar is there in fruit juice?Does it matter that it’s “fresh squeezed” or that it’s “organic”? What is the purpose of these la ...

The goal of this experiment is to discover if soil with more organic material absorbs moisture better than soil with less organic material. Gardens that use the right amount of organic material might ...

Gunpowder green tea is made available for sale in a tightly rolled shape and is said to be quite concentrated because of this shape. Most green teas come suspended loose in teabags. The research aspec ...