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Learn whether dark green and leafy veggies tend to have a higher Vitamin C content than lighter green varieties.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, ...

Water, the major building block of life, sometimes has additives for health reasons. Hard wateris water that has a high amount of dissolved minerals, generally calcium carbonate or magnesium salts.Thi ...

Make three different saturated solutions and see how different minerals form crystals over time.:It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be re ...

Some minerals are harder than others because of how strongly their atoms are bound together at the molecular level. How do we find out which minerals are harder and which are softer?It is an education ...

Obsidian is basically “unpopped” pumice: obsidian and pumice are igneous rocks that are made out of the same material, but because of the way it’s formed inside the volcano, pumice looks very differen ...

Have you ever picked up a pretty rock and wondered if it contained precious gems? Have you ever thought that your sharp eyes could make you a millionaire? How can you tell for sure that you found a go ...

Can you be a mineral detective? In this cool experiment on identifying rocks and minerals for kids, you’ll develop an understanding of some of the characteristics of different minerals. Minerals look, ...

By applying more and more pressure to a piece of aluminum foil “clay,” we can discover, stage by stage, how heat and pressure turn clay into slate, phyllite, and finally schist.It is an educational co ...

What is coquina? What is it made of?It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you want to download the project, ...

Rocks are not only changed by water, wind, and ice but can also be changed by chemicals. Chemical weathering is the process by which the actual minerals that rocks are made of are changed. Chemical we ...